Friday 26 September 2014

Morons of The Internet: Jessica Valenti (26/09/14)

This is the segment where I scour my favorite forums around the internet and find some particularly interesting articles about current affairs told in the words from some of my favorite human beings.

This time we have columnist from 'The Guardian' Jessica Valenti, who rambles on about how every single man commits every single crime on every single women at exactly the same time. In fact reading it is both shocking and hilarious. Remember, she gets paid to do this, and it's simply unbelievable.

Good men don't let women get raped. So why aren't you guys doing enough?

First off let's have a look at that intro. This person is paid to be a journalist, and yet we instantly start with this biased misconception of male stereotypes. The opening makes it clear to me that this article won't be a debate, and it sure as hell isn't going to be a balanced argument. Every story has two sides to it, but Mrs Valenti makes it very clear here that this will just end up being a smear campaign at the expense of the male demographic. We start with this bullshit about how all women are harmless, and they will instantly be led astray by these drink driving murderers that also happen to be all men. She then goes onto say that she hears women being called "sluts", and I hear that a lot as well, but it's only when they deserve it, and to be fair it doesn't come as a surprise to me that Mrs. Valenti constantly hears the word 'slut', because it's probably aimed at this moronic bitch.

She then goes onto ruin comedy, dictating what jokes can be made when and where. This might be a bit of an overreaction, after all it is just a fucking joke. If you make a rape joke that doesn't instantly make you a rapist, just like my 9/11 jokes don't make me a terrorist. They may be a tad harsh, but that's all comedy is, creating fictional humorous situations at the expense of somebody else. The point of comedy is that it gives the listener an isolated world where they can laugh at the expense of the human condition, of course this world hasn't quite got to Mrs. Valenti yet, as well as a lot of other things. Comedy should always be a freedom of expression, and although it is a male dominated world, I have seen my fair share of women also making harsh jokes at the expense of other people. But oh no, according to Mrs. Valenti it's just a male thing, which is sexist within itself.

My next problem is the sources she uses to back her claims up with. In the first half of this article she makes two sweeping claims, that she of course backs up with evidence, only it's completely irrelevant. First she makes the claim that a rape joke makes the rapist feel that what he does this, it is perfectly normal. Her source for this, a forum, with the reliable source being a guest blogger, who provides zero evidence to her own sweeping statements. She to is just spouting her opinion and so cannot be considered a reliable source in the slightest. The second is when she claims "we are woefully uniformed about sexual assault", in which she kindly sources that statement to herself. An opinionated blogger isn't even a source at all. I don't source myself when I make these articles because I know that an opinion is not a valid or reliable source of information. Two massive points that this article hinges on are complete made up bullshit, which makes her opinion as valid as the theory of Scientology. 

The fact that she can't source any information correctly is just the tip of the iceberg, the underlying problem is how horribly generalized this whole article is. You can't seriously make a valid opinion when you constantly draw these sweeping statements from stereotypes and assumptions. "I know that you are constantly told you need to be tough." Except you don't know, because you're not a man. But maybe because I am one I can reliably inform her that that isn't the case, and not once have I ever been told I need to be tougher. Maybe that would be the case in the middle ages, but I would like to think humanity has moved on since then. It's actually quite offensive how she portrays men, she just assumes we all want to be the same person, when in reality we want people like her to just shut up and stop judging us, and not have her ironic arguments shoved down our throats. Despite her opinion I can confirm that not all men are rapists, and not all women are damsels in distress. People do vary, although maybe they wouldn't in Mrs. Valenti's fascist state.

I just hate this obsession with women being the victim here, sexual assault is a serious incident, and thankfully major cases are rare, and so it annoys me that Valenti is abusing the suffering of millions by using their traumatizing experiences as fodder for her pathetic arguments. This constant attitude of "women need all the help we can get" really pisses me off. What they need protecting from is another matter, most likely the excessive price of fish in Sainsbury's. In a western world country this theory is simply obsolete. Whether she likes it or not, women are treated as equal citizens and share exactly the same rights as men, even if sometimes they don't get any respect, which is something that is earned. Any serious incident that does occur should be treated as an individual case and not just lumped onto a single group of people, and there is simply no logic in blaming the patriarchy for rape, the two things are completely separate. In actual fact I could turn this argument on its head. You see the rate of domestic violence has decreased in the UK by 50% since the tyrannical reign of Margaret Thatcher. But as a normal human being I know she is in no way responsible for that high figure. So why is the patriarchy being blamed here by Valenti? 

I'm not sure what world Valenti would be happy with, probably some dystopian future where all jokes are censored by her, and any bordering on rapey would be extradited by the thought police. She seems to think that rape is an important part of male culture, and that in some way it forms their identity. I'm really hoping that normal people realise that this isn't the case, and I just implore people to stop winging about things and actually do something about it. The immortal words of JFK are needed for this one, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." In other words, just fucking get on and do something about it, not spray shit about it all over the internet. I don't know why Mrs. Valenti can't help, but then I suppose she couldn't blame the big boys like some pathetic schoolgirl.

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