Monday, 10 August 2015

Should Animal Rights Campaigners Boycott Zoos? (Part 2)

In the previous part of this article I explained why PETA's theory of boycotting zoos to promote animal welfare is hopelessly flawed, and now I will attempt to explain why their line of argument is totally misguided when they as a charity are far worse than any zoo I've ever come across. Even horror stories of zoos torturing animals cannot compare to the sheer brutality of PETA's cruel regime. I'd like to encourage anyone reading this to boycott their operations instead of zoos for reasons that will become apparent very shortly. Even just a quick rummage around various sources on the internet will reveal that PETA are a bunch of assholes, with shocking statistics coming from an organisation that claims to support animal rights. If Peta are that ignorant to criticise other charities and establishments for approaching animal conservation and welfare with different techniques then I honestly cannot comprehend why they deserve a single penny from any decent human beings.

Even if you start by just looking at PETA's annual reports you can instantly see that the charity abuses its vast donations, giving money to causes that don't affect animals in any way. The charity themselves claim to have received 51 million dollars in donations throughout the whole of 2014, which for a charity is a very large sum that could achieve a great many goals in animal welfare. But apparently not. In fact the only thing PETA can brag about on their own website is activism. Older reports such as the one back in 2010 reveal that PETA had only given 843 thousand dollars to finding animal research alternatives, which was a whole 2% of their profits that year. In comparison 17% went to fundraising, because of course unlike zoos this charity is in no way a sustainable operation. This pathetic sum of total donations directly aimed at animals will do fuck all, yet collectively zoos inject millions of pounds into conservation and welfare schemes that they help to run, all whilst PETA still feel the need to criticise zoos collectively as organisations. 'SeaWorld' for example is by no means an ethical establishment, but at least their foundation bothers to rehabilitate wild animals and donate at least some profits to local foundations, yet apparently they're the bad guys in all this. Instead PETA brag about sending letters instead of schemes they support, that might actually be doing something to help the problems PETA are always banging on about.

But below the surface there are operations that are far worse than just being stingy with their donations. PETA runs local dog shelters in the state of Virginia, which by law means that the 'Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' is required to keep a record of the number of animals PETA's shelters have in their care. The statistics can be found here, and they make for some alarming reading: ( When all the reports since the opening of the facility in 1998 have been taken into account, PETA has taken into care a total of 38,464 dogs and cats, which is an impressive total. What is less impressive is the number which they've killed: 33,514. That's 86%; a pathetic amount considering the vast amounts of money PETA amasses over the course of a single year. This is a figure that's increasing in recent years with 90% of animals being euthanised in PETA's care during the whole of 2009. PETA have the audacity to complain about zoos not giving their animals an opportunity to be released back into the wild, but at least zoos don't fucking murder the animals in their care. PETA often advocate the idea of giving animals rights, so why the hell can't they follow the most basic of human rights? The 'Center for Consumer Freedom' classified PETA run shelters as slaughterhouses, which when compared to the nearby Lynchburg Humane Society, who save 94% of their adoptees despite amassing nowhere near the same amount of donations, then it becomes a fucking sick joke. You have to ask yourself if zoos really are in the wrong here, and not just the serial killing animal cult.

The fact is that although PETA like to preach about their idea of animal freedom, they cannot actually follow through and make progress with these actions because they're simply not realistic, yet still fail to alert this to their mindless followers that keep giving the charity donations to waste year upon year. It's no wonder that prestigious and charitable establishments such as zoos never take PETA's claims seriously because they live in a world where keeping animals in isolation is a bigger sin than murdering them. I just can't comprehend that level of stupidity. As a charity they take part in protests to complain against the techniques used in zoos, but just because an organisation doesn't have a radical approach to animal rights like PETA do, doesn't mean they can criticise them for methods that are often more ethical than their own. Jumping to conclusions and making uninformed decisions has led to PETA clashing with other conservationists such as Steve Irwin, who PETA even had the cheek to chastise after his untimely death because of course PETA are assholes. Irwin was a man that realised that conservation in zoos is how to educate populations on why animal rights are important, and he gave his life to share the message of his programmes. PETA criticise this man's existence solely because he tormented the animals in his confined care and refused to set them free, despite rehabilitating many and educating a global audience on why conservation is important. Still, I suppose that's better than simply murdering the animals instead.

But if murdering and hypocrisy weren't enough, PETA have actually been found to be laundering money into organisations that have been classified as domestic terrorists. Even PETA haven't been able to take some statistics out of context and suggest that zoos advocate terrorism, but then I doubt any zoos give thousands of dollars to radical cults like the 'Animal Liberation Front' or the 'Earth Liberation Front'. PETA gave 70,000 dollars to a man named Rodney Coronado, who was convicted of arson at a Michigan research facility, destroying 32 years worth of scientific data, all so he could release some mink from being held in cages. Mink by the way are a species of mustelid that are of least concern when it comes to extinction. I think a zoo could have worked out that funding terrorists to destroy a center for scientific excellence just to release some mink to imbalance the local ecosystem is a really fucked up thing to do, and just shows that PETA have no fucking clue what harm their careless and malicious actions will cause. I don't know, maybe we should trust the organisations that hire experts on conservation for this one. You know, organisations like zoos. PETA have their heads shoved so far up their own asses that it's inconceivable to them that their actions might have a detrimental effect on successful conservation programmes, which do exist despite PETA's minimal efforts to help.

Now I'm not going to start generalising like PETA do so frequently, and so I still want to encourage people to give money to support trustworthy charities that focus on animal welfare issues. Just because a small minority have to let the side down doesn't mean all similar establishments are instantly bad, in a similar fashion to how not all zoos are bad places for animals. However I just don't comprehend how people can still donate to a charity that would ideally ban pets, including guide dogs; which I suppose was devised by an ignorant asshole who isn't blind. PETA also claim that fish shouldn't be kept in aquariums as you can view them realistically on a computer screen. All these mental ideas come with no supporting reasoning, and are essentially just the ramblings of some fucked up individuals who live in a separate world to sensible human beings. I've been to very few zoos that lie and manipulate their patrons into giving them money, but PETA always manage to bullshit their way into more controversy by suggesting bollocks like autism is caused by diets high in dairy. That's not factual, just misleading. Why the hell should you give your hard earned cash to a charity that demonises zoos for allegedly abusing animals when PETA themselves have proven to murder animals in their care? PETA are a bunch of fucking hypocrites that supporting will come at the expense of animals globally. Stick with zoos, they don't just hire experts for no reason.

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