Monday 8 February 2016

Words are Sexist

A few weeks ago feminists targeted the latest leader of oppression. Was it in Saudi Arabia? Maybe Iran where women are still mistreated? No, the Oxford English Dictionary. I say feminists, really it was one idiotic man who identified himself as one who can't quite distinguish between real life and a dictionary. This is a genuine argument he made on twitter.

I must admit that I find it hard to believe that the recorded definitions from dictionaries could possibly be sexist considering their role is not to define words, but rather record the evolution of a language. So how can the dictionary be responsible for reinforcing stereotypes when it's simply emulating a language? Anyway, I guess we're about to find out with the first disgusting example of sexism in a dictionary.

Obvious sexism. Everyone knows it would be stupid to claim the preposterous accusation that feminists might be rabid. It's funny that the thesaurus states a synonym for 'rabid' is 'radical', and there is literally a large section of feminism called 'Radical feminism'. But no, feminists can't be rabid. But oh it gets so much better.

Is this man serious? How the fuck do you jump to the conclusion as serious as that just because a term is used as a definition? That doesn't means it applies to everyone in life; it's only purpose is to be an example. Who cares if it isn't true or has negative connotations? that's not the purpose of why it's there. Did this man also try and prosecute Russel Crowe for murder after watching 'Gladiator', because this guy is detached from reality? I must have forgotten how it's now sexist to suggest that a woman's voice can rise in tone. We'll ignore the fact that women's voices on average are higher in pitch than males and so this is a very likely scenario, because the Oxford English Dictionary had the barefaced cheek to say this obviously sexist comment. I would genuinely like an explanation as to why this is sexist as it just baffles me. This guy must surely be finding every definition with the word 'woman' in it and then claiming it's sexist based on nothing.

Seriously mate, you must surely have something more beneficial to be doing than picking definitions out of the dictionary that you deem as 'sexist'. This is another mind blowing example that just makes you look like a moron. Since when has it been a fact that a man doing research is a mutually exclusive occurrence to a woman doing research, and so can never happen at the same time. I don't know if you wanted the dictionary to include every fucking gender pronoun so everyone can do research, but as someone who identifies as a turtle I also find this offensive as it implies that in the real world I can't do research. Except the thing is Michael, the dictionary isn't a real world. You can't just take idle definitions out of context and then claim they're offensive with zero explanation as to why. Just because you take definitions literally doesn't mean they should be changed. The irony of this situation is that there is a word for this type of behaviour; privilege.

Unfortunately for the dictionary in question they use Twitter as a PR method and so couldn't tell this guy to fuck off or take the next shuttle to Mars. But what did they do instead? They mugged him off in style.
Destroyed. In fairness to the Oxford English Dictionary they did take the time and effort to put together a logical response to defined their harmless actions, but that wasn't enough for the feminists who disagreed with them, successfully proving that it's impossible for feminists to be 'rabid'. But no, it's the dictionary that's reinforcing these gender stereotypes, and not the following tweets at all.

Wow that first tweet. How can a dictionary be fucking wrong in this context. It's a dictionary, and as such doesn't work like a fictional piece that can be analysed. Then the author of the tweet called for the dictionary itself to resign, at least that's who I believe she was referring to since that's who she addressed the tweet to. It doesn't at all make you look like an idiot when you treat an inanimate object as something with sociological ideas. But no, it has to be the dictionary oppressing women as you're the feminist and so obviously the victim in all this despite forcing the collaborators of the dictionary to try and change definitions based on your feelings.

The second tweet is just as bad and jumps to conclusions despite having zero evidence. Of course the dictionary is sexist random woman on the Internet. I'm sure you know far more about the evolution of the English language than a fucking dictionary, so please continue in your lecture about how words are being misrepresented; you certainly do a good job of defining 'ignorance'. Oh wait, I forgot I couldn't use a woman in the definition of a word that has negative connotations. How could I be so stupid as to forget that gender obviously has huge importance in a dictionary definition? If dictionary definitions being taken out of context are now the primary cause of oppression for modern feminists, then they can just fuck off.

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