Wednesday 1 March 2017

Questions White People Have For White People

God I fucking hate Buzzfeed. I've already responded to one of their videos where women had stupid questions for men, but now for some reason they've forced white people to act like self entitled dicks in the name of social justice or something retarded like that. Buzzfeed just piss me off so much with their fucking dreadful content, so here we go again.

1) "Why do you assume only other races like fried chicken?" I love fried chicken. I don't think you quite understand how stereotypes work mate. Although having said that you're perfectly happy to stereotype white people throughout this whole video.

2) "Why do we make it so we only have pumpkin in the fall?" It's tradition. As a British person I can tell you it's important to celebrate tradition as it greatly enriches culture. You however can eat pumpkin whenever the fuck you want, I honestly don't care, and nor does anyone else. It's just traditional to eat pumpkin at a certain time of year for reasons that I'm sure can be explained by your national heritage.

3) "Why can’t white people dance?" Actually the ability to be shit at dancing is really not something I'm concerned about. If you feel the need to dance without being drunk off your face then you're probably a tit. If I'm honest I don't have much hate for this question, at least they attempted some whimsy.

4) "Why do you get so annoyed when other people don’t speak English?" I'm not quite sure why the majority of white people in Russia would be annoyed if people didn't speak English. Maybe the question should be 'why do Buzzfeed assume that all white people speak English?'

5) "Why do you get so excited to brag on Instagram about going to this really fun, cool cultural festival?" What the actual fuck. Why the fuck aren't you allowed to go to cultural festivals if you don't belong to that culture? Surely experiencing different cultural festivals is a good thing, it might broaden your horizons. Conversely I've seen many ethnic minorities at my local 'Guy Fawkes celebration', so why is this an issue about race? And why the fuck does your friendship group have to be diverse? What fucking world do Buzzfeed live in?

6) "Why do you spray tan until you turn orange?" As someone from Essex I'm used to seeing spray tanned bodies; you could say it's ingrained in the culture. I still don't see why it's an issue. I don't like the look of it personally, but I'm not going to start questioning why people would want to feel good about their appearance. Further asking why you can't be comfortable in your own body is also pretty idiotic considering you're a website that has a whole section dedicated to beauty.

7) "Why do you think since you’ve seen five seasons of The Wire you’re a cultural expert?" The Wire is fucking amazing by the way. And no, I don't assume I'm a cultural expert for seeing a fictional television programme. Why is being ignorant on cultural issues solely directed at white people? Buzzfeed are culturally diverse and look how ignorant they are.

8) "Why do you believe everything that you see on TV when it comes to other races?" I don't believe in everything I see on TV. In fact if writing this blog has taught me one thing it's that people are willing to believe any old bullshit no matter what their race.

9) "Why do you get upset when a TV show becomes diverse?" I don't get upset when a television show becomes 'diverse'. However I do get upset with poor casting choices that pointlessly include a diverse cast to appease fans that are constantly dictating dynamics because they feel oppressed.

10) "Why do you assume movies with white stars are more relatable than movies with people of color?" I relate more with characters who are similar to my personality, not by their skin colour. I can't imagine why someone similar to me would be more relatable. If you don't like movies with white characters then how about not watching the film, or better yet create your own instead of engaging in this petty whining. That's what the movie industry has done in India or Japan, so why is this an issue aimed at white people? Of all the people to question assumptions you're really not the ones Buzzfeed.

11) "Why is Viola Davis the first black person to when an Emmy for Best Actress?" I honestly don't know anything about Emmy awards, nor do I really care about Viola Davis. I had never even heard of her before this year's Oscars. I could also moan about individually poor choices in award ceremonies, but I really would like to know what the issue is here. Surely this woman's award is proof that times are changing and award ceremonies are becoming more diverse. That has nothing to do with me being white.

12) "Why aren’t we complaining that the Oscars and all the other award shows are all white?" You can complain all you want mate, but I personally don't want to be lumped in with morons like you who find any old shitty reason to act like a self centered child. I'm not complaining about the Oscars because awards should be based solely on merit and have nothing to do with race. You have no evidence that the awarding body is racist, and choose to selectively ignore any successes from ethnic minorities whenever that follows your narrative. It's certainly not an event for white people congratulating other people on being white. I genuinely wonder what the fuck Buzzfeed is thinking most of the time. And for that matter, what the hell has Buzzfeed got against white people in popular culture? How dare white people succeed.

13) "Why don’t we know the difference between appropriation and appreciation?" What's wrong with taking the piss out of other cultures? Buzzfeed seems to do it with white culture, so it's funny how it's suddenly offensive when the shoe is on the other foot.

14) "Why can’t we figure out how to make our own pop culture?" White people have made their own pop culture. Didn't you just claim the Oscars were white people congratulating other white people? Even on a broader scale nearly every form of Western culture originates from white people. Maybe I should get pissy with Buzzfeed considering this video was posted on the internet, a British invention, so how dare you rip off my fucking culture. Oh yeah, I forgot we're targeting white people. Slang and clothes are just two minor aspects of pop culture, which again still isn't true. And why is it suddenly bad for white people to want to integrate into other cultures? I mean Jesus Christ, this is like something out of a far right wing publication.

15) "Why are white people obsessed with Wes Anderson?" Who is Wes Anderson?

16) "Why would you ever say 'thug life'?" Because it's a joke. I also joke that I'm an impoverished student, and that's not a good life, so what's the issue? It's clear from this video that Buzzfeed have no concept of humour, but then start bashing other people's comedy tastes because it's different to theirs. And yes I did just preach respecting other people's taste in comedy whilst simultaneously ripping on someone's taste in comedy. Guess that makes us both hypocrites now.

17) "What do you have against seasoning and spiciness?" I'll have you know mate I go for a medium curry when I'm at the curry house. Shit, I forgot I'm not supposed to broadcast that I steal other cultures. Fuck, what would the racists at Buzzfeed think of me?

18) "Why are casseroles a thing?" Casseroles are fucking lovely. You remember that question about appropriation and the one about shitting on other people's culture? Hmmm.

19) "Why do you try to avoid confrontation at all costs?" Why is avoiding confrontation a bad thing? God I just hate that all white people are inherently nice, unlike me who just rushes into conflict like some primeval ape without a sense of decency. How bad would it sound if I asked the question why do black people feel the need to murder each other?

20) "Why is it crazy that I’m white and I have a big butt?" If you do have a big butt I would love to see it. What was I thinking, why would Buzzfeed provide evidence?

21) "Why is it such a big deal when somebody doesn’t want to hike?" I don't hike.

22) "Why do you keep talking about reverse racism?" I don't, but I do talk about racism. The irony in Buzzfeed asking why other people talk about racism. If you really do believe it's impossible for white people to be oppressed you might want to talk to the white slaves of the Ottoman Empire, not that you really can anymore, or better yet how about the white farmers being persecuted in Zimbabwe. Pretty sure they're the victims of racism as well.

23) "Why are you too afraid to speak up when someone says something racist?" Am I? Depends on the circumstances. For one I'm calling out the racist bullshit in this video.

24) "Why do we think that having one friend of color means that nothing we say or do can ever possibly be racist?" This is a common line from white supremacists, and not at all one that usually comes when making lighthearted jokes. Most white people are actually fairly decent people if you can believe such a ridiculous statement.

25) "Why does being half-white automatically make my commentary on white culture only half-true?" Commentary should have nothing to do with skin colour. That's plain racism if something is invalidated by the colour of your skin. See, I'm not afraid to call out racism.

26) "Why do you think that 'black lives matter' means that your life doesn’t matter?" I oppose the group because they're a terrorist organisation with leading members that believe in black supremacy. Also it's an organisation built on lies, with supporters that seem to want act like thugs instead of trying to solve the issue. Just because I don't support them doesn't mean I think my life matters more.

27) "Why do you get offended when you see a table full of black people, but not when you see a lunchroom full of white people?" What the fuck. When has anyone who isn't a white supremacist been offended by a table of black people?

28) "Why do you always ask to have a white people club?" Again, when has anyone asked for a white people club? Well maybe the KKK, but they're hardly a fucking majority are they? My Student's Union does have a proportion of black people heavily involved, and although I'm not particularly in favour of my Student's Union, I still have to praise their level of diversity. Isn't the very principle of having a black student's union just black people asking for their very own clubs? This question makes absolutely zero sense, especially when targeted at white people.

29) "Why do you see the success of people of color as a threat to you?" I don't. I see the success of anyone as a threat to me, but that's because I'm both jealous and selfish.

30)"You know that a two-minute video about whiteness isn’t reverse racism right?"  Racism isn't a competition. Racism is flat out wrong, so don't act like a fucking hypocrite. That would be like me murdering the people in this video to even out the statistics surrounding race and murder. What a fucking moronic point.

31) "Why are we upset about immigrants when we were the first immigrants?" Different times, different context. This question is a bit like questioning the need to conserve jaguars when they used to eat humans. Doesn't this question also admit that white people can be oppressed? The hypocrisy level is through the roof on this one.

I'm still not quite sure how this video falls under 'social justice', and isn't just instead plain racist. It's also in such a patronising tone, which pisses me off when the points they are making are immature and embarrassingly stupid. Anyway, I can't wait to analyse questions white people have for black people. Actually I can if it's as fucking atrocious as this piece of shit.