Thursday, 28 January 2016


I suppose it was expected that a controversial figure like Donald Trump would be a source of criticism from various political groups, but this is genuinely the response from one of those groups offended by his policies. Apparently they forget about the principles of democracy and how America has thrived off of free speech, only using that as an excuse to broadcast their biased rhetoric. But let's at least give these perpetual idiots a chance to produce a good argument. Let's see what they have to say that warrants the censorship of Donald Trump.

1. What a great idea it is to force your own political agenda onto a small child. I'm sure that kid under the voting age has a broad political insight, so what a great cornerstone of your argument. Better yet let's get the kid to have an expletive filled rant. Which group is meant to be the assholes here? I'm struggling to tell.
2. Apparently calling breastfeeding mums 'disgusting' is ignorant. However criticising a man for reciprocating the views of many conservative Americans somehow isn't ignorant; but I forget that's not how this blatant propaganda works. How dare Donald Trump have a strong opinion on a divisive issue that differs to this group; what a fucking pig. The actual reasons why Trump should conform to this group's view is even worse; just because something is natural doesn't mean it should be supported. Rape and incest are also natural constructs, yet does that mean Trump should support that as well. I'm a supporter that women should be able to breastfeed in public within reason, yet Trump just isn't being rude when he disagrees, and is perfectly entitled to an opinion that differs from these entitled pricks. I haven't even mentioned how all this controversy is over an ALLEGATION, and even then that's one example. But no, it's now apparently factual that Donald Trump hates ALL breastfeeding women. Who's supposed to be the ignorant one again?
3. Here we go again. Just because Donald Trump said some things deemed racist he's obviously the same as Adolf Hitler. Fuck any sort of context or logic, because of course it's clear that Trump's policies are fuelled by eugenics. Saying Donald Trump is like Adolf Hitler is a bit like saying all Muslims are Osama Bin Laden, which is exactly a point made in this video; fucking hypocrites. Oh and Trump never said he wanted a 'Muslim database'. Rather it was Trumps inability to comment on a question based around this topic that started the smear campaign.
4. Yes Trump has made some disparaging comments about marriage equality, which again he is fully entitled to. But obviously because everything offends these morons they want to censor anyone with strong opinions that differs to theirs despite not giving you the whole story. Trump's opinions on homosexuals aren't as black and white as this campaign makes out, and actually Trump has historically supported homosexual couples. There's even evidence to suggest that this is the same story for his 2015 campaign, which in comparison is far less controversial on the issue than the other Republican candidates. But no, it's Trump that's the problem.
5. Oh no, he insulted you. Boo-fucking-hoo. I might be able to take your outrage seriously if you could counter with an intellectual point to try and disprove the argument, but no, because of course feelings are more important than facts.
6. Trump called Japanese people 'Japs'. What the fuck is the world coming to? Next you'll be telling me he'll be doing something as disgusting as calling British people 'Brits'. What a vile human being.
7. Have you ever considered providing any sources for your claims? Probably best not in case educated people try and look up your ludicrous claims.
8. Trump made fun out of fat people in America? I can safely say that nobody else in the world makes this stereotypical joke about Americans. Literally never hear it; ever.
9. We keep taking quotes out of context don't we. Maybe you would like it if Trump did actually say he thought all Mexicans were rapists, but let's actually consider the full quote. "When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.” Turns out Trump didn't say anything of the sort.
10. A hair joke. Is that honestly the best you could come up with? I might be able to take that joke a little more seriously if you didn't have fucking Leo Sayer promoting your campaign.

I'm not even American, but I would happily vote for Trump to spite these people after watching such absolute bullshit. I'm sure some people who oppose trump actually have strong points and don't just fabricate the truth and jump to conclusions when the reality is entirely different, but unfortunately this video forgot about them. Just because somebody has strong opinions that aren't yours doesn't mean they should be instantly chastised, especially when that criticism comes in the form of whinging and claiming that you're somehow the victim in all this. If self entitled hypocrites like this continue to gain popularity then the only victim will be the free speech of America. And mark my words that would be far worse than Trump becoming president.

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