#10 Jean Kambanda (1955-Present) (Rwanda)
As you can expect, the effect of having such a horrible man in power wasn't beneficial to Rwanda. The only reason he took on the job was so he could go through with his campaign of racial hatred, and this led to an appalling genocide that Rwanda still hasn't bounced back from. Kambanda had no idea how to run a country, and his power hungry regime was finally ended in 1997 when he was arrested for distributing munitions to gun down his own civilians. Even then he still didn't admit responsibility for his crimes, and claimed that he was just a puppet for the military. To this day he claims he's not guilty about his atrocities, making him the biggest scumbag of all time. The biggest surprise is that he's not any higher on this list, but becoming imprisoned in high security jails in Mali is relatively minor compared to some of these other assholes.
“Guns are not only for soldiers. Every person can own a gun. If they shoot, you shoot back.”
#9 Thaksin Shinawatra (1949-Present) (Thailand)
Here's a lesson for the good people of Thailand: In future elections if one of your countries largest business tycoons claims he can fix your developing country, then don't vote for him, as he has no interest in the wellbeing of anybody but himself. Shinawatra became prime minister of Thailand in 2001 when his amusingly named Thai Rak party came to power with their promises to reduce poverty and increase the development of infrastructure all over the country. These policies sounded too good to be true, and surely enough once this businessman got into power they were soon forgotten about. All this man managed to do in his first term of office was to declare a war on drugs that ended up in the deaths of 2,500 people. Admittedly he didn't forget about the development pledges, but he only remembered about that when it benefited his own businesses. Shinawatra then abused his power even more by giving his businesses huge tax breaks and then in the ultimate dick move sold off his company assets to foreign markets with zero tax. Are we spotting a trend yet? This power abuse only benefited him and not the people he swore to serve.
Somehow this scumbag was re-elected by a majority in 2005, but the increasing unrest lead to the election being boycotted by a number of parties who demanded he step down from authority. This eventually led to a military coup in 2006 that forced the man into exile where he resides to this very day. Thailand as a result is now run by a military junta, and so as a result is surprisingly not in the running to be a world superpower, and in fact is worse off than it's ever been. It's this man's failure to understand democracy that has ruined his country, and thanks to his selfishness the people of Thailand are powerless. Shinawatra is probably most famous to Britons for buying Manchester City Football Club before they got Arab money, which is rather a strange thing for a politician to do. And you thought Roman Abramovich was an asshole.
"I'm the first Thai prime minister in
history that first time win half of parliament seats and second time win
76% of parliamentary seats and I was ousted because I was too popular."
#8 Idi Amin (1925-2003) (Uganda)
Only Britain could be responsible for producing one of the world's biggest lunatics. Amin's career started out in the King's African Rifles in 1946 where he eventually became a major general of the Ugandan Army, giving him great power and responsibility. Instead of settling for this prestigious post, Amin decided to take control of Uganda with a militray coup in 1971 for the sole purpose of promoting himself to the rank of field marshal, which when you look at it like that is sort of cheating. As you can imagine a man who didn't care about his native country wasn't going to be a very good leader, and not surprisingly in just eight short years his regime had claimed the lives of half a million Ugandans. His brutal methods didn't just include murder, in fact he also abused human rights, was accused of corruption, persecuted civilians based on religion and ethnicity, and conducted merciless extrajudicial killing sprees. The man sent out killing squads to find any journalists, lawyers, homosexuals and students, who were all groups he hated for one reason or another. It's said that he would dismember and flay his victims to teach them a lesson, which is pretty barbaric, and confirms that Amin wasn't the nicest man in history.
Amin wasn't just cruel, in fact he was also mental. He decided one day that Asians were the cause of his countries financial situation and so banned them from entering the country. Of course all the Asian communities moved out in the fear of being tortured, and as the Asians left so did more businesses, and so actually this decision ended up ruining his countries finances even more. Funny how karma works. His maddest move was when he pissed the British off so much at the UN Commission of Human Rights, which he was somehow part of, that the Brits pulled their usual trick and cut all ties with him. For some reason Amin took this as a victory and claimed that he'd single handedly defeated The British Empire, and even added 'CBE' to his official title, to signify that he was the conqueror of The British Empire. I don't think anyone told him that to conquer something you have to take control of it, which Amin just didn't do; in fact he couldn't even win a war against neighboring Tanzania, a defeat that caused him to flee into Libya. This man was so delusional that he nicknamed himself 'The Lord of All the Beasts on Earth and Fishes in the Sea'. He also declared himself 'The Uncrowned King of Scotland', and gave himself a doctorate of law. If that's how it works then I declare myself a surgeon and the uncrowned king of France. Surely the point of being a king is that you've been crowned, otherwise anyone could be the king if they don't have to be crowned. As you can see power might have got to this man's head. And that madness ended up ruining his country.
“I am the hero of Africa.”
#7 George W Bush (1946-Present) (USA)
Less US president, more moron. It's downright cringeworthy how his charmless character ended up running America at a time when it needed good leadership. Bush somehow managed to go from the most popular US president, when he was first elected, to the least popular US president, when he finally left office. That's quite an acheivment, but then it's not as if he deserved to run the bloody country in the first place. Now I don't know much about politics, but if you receive fewer votes than your opposition then surely they're the ones who deserve to be elected. Not according to the most democratic country in the world, who ended up electing the loser of the election; this idiot. What? After losing the election his most testing moment came during the 9/11 attacks, which he admittedly dealt with resonably well, up until the point where he invaded Iraq as a result, despite the UN teeling him not to. Invading a country to clear out a minority is the most deluded idea possible. By that logic I think we should invade your country, George, to flush out Westboro Baptist Church. Of course what followed was a disaster, and ended up a diplomatic disaster. But hey, at least George got some oil.
I suppose there were areas of Bush's presidency that were well handled. Bush initiated widespread tax cuts, funded AIDS projects worldwide, and allowed same sex marriage. He couldn't win any wars, and he managed to not only ruin Iraq but also the USA as well, but he in no way is the worst politician on this list. However, he refused to help with hurricane Katrina, and initiated a huge recession despite the economy being in surplus after Clinton's stint had ended. Can anyone honestly say that America is the superpower it once was since Bush left? The man let Iraq walk all over him, and in terms of leadership you would be better off with an Orangutang. He now spends his free time painting and public speaking. That's right, play to your strengths George. You can't even retire without making yourself look like an idiot.
"There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in
Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me -
you can't get fooled again."
#6 Omar al-Bashir (1944-Present) (Sudan)
Another example of why military coups overthrowing democracies don't work. But I suppose al-Bashir has been kind enough to allow his subjects to vote on the countries future, although he does rig the elections each time. I suppose you can't blame this power hungry dictator for being a corrupt asshole as he was never going to get any votes from the citizens he doesn't give a single shit about. This asshole is so far the only leader to have been charged by the ICC for crimes against humanity because of allegations over the rape, murder and pillaging of Syrians in Darfur. The Sudanese civil war that this man caused has led to the loss of over 10,000 innocent civilians if you believe the government statistics, or over 400,000 if you believe intelligence agencies. The clear answer is the cost is too many.
The recent civil war wasn't the first under this man's rule, and even today when tensions have died down, guerrilla warfare is still a normality for the people of Sudan. He's such a shit leader that he's seen half of his country fuck off while it had the chance, even sacrificing its pathetic economy just to get away from this tyrant. But does he care? Nope, not in the slightest. His latest idea was for African nations to have a space agency, although how that's supposed to happen when you've already ruined your limited economy is a question that hasn't been answered. al-Bashir genuinely thinks his country needs a space station over the welfare of his people. What a disgusting human being.
"Yes, there have been villages burned, but not to the extent you are
talking about. People have been killed because there is war. It is not
in the Sudanese culture or people of Darfur to rape. It doesn't exist.
We don't have it."
#5 Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) (Iraq)
Saddam Hussein started out in his career as a revolutionary figure who just wanted to the best for his crumbling nation of Iraq. His coup in 1968 was seen as a positive move for the citizens of Iraq, and his early policies of tightening security and focusing the economy on resources created social harmony and accelerated the stagnant Iraqi economy at a rapid pace. But then everything went downhill quickly as racial tensions started to rise when Saddam decided to murder members of certain religious groups and people of a certain ethnicity, a crime that he would eventually be executed for. It then got worse. Not only did Saddam try and invade Iran, but also Kuwait as well, failing both times. His campaigns against Israel didn't achieve anything either, and for a man with such an aggressive foreign policy Saddam was pretty shit at winning wars. Obviously this didn't make him many friends, and this continued with his constant use of chemical warfare against his own people, with some estimating that two million victims were casualties to this man's increasingly tyrannical regime.
The turning point of Saddam's reign was The Gulf War, which Hussein lost, badly. Saddam thought that because Kuwait was rich and he was poor that invading their tiny nation would bring prosperity to his failing rule. It didn't, and the effects of war ruined his countries economy, and lost him a lot of friends fast. Six weeks that war lasted, yet for some reason Saddam claimed it was a victory for Iraq. Not quite sure how he worked that one out, although I would assume it's when he started acting like an eight year old child. This defeat was the final straw for the dejected Iraqi population, and in the next decade multiple uprisings were attempted, which only gave Saddam more excuses to tighten his grip. His regime was finally put to an end by British and American troops, who he was later imprisoned by and consequently hanged for the murder of 148 Iraqis. That execution is now out there on YouTube, so if you're a sick bastard like me then give it a watch.
"I am not going to answer to this so-called
court, out of respect for the truth and the will of the Iraqi people.
I've said what I've said, and I'm not guilty."
#4 Kim Jong-un (1983-Present) (North Korea)
The great successor to the great nation of North Korea. Kim Jong-un is a leader who's inherited the mess of a country his lunatic father gave him, and for some reason has decided that it's now becoming a world power. To be fair to Kim Jong-un he is the world's youngest head of state, but then he's struggling to keep that title when all of his predecessors have been granted the title of eternal leader, which says a lot about a man when he has to get help from dead people. To prevent his father's not existent legacy from overshadowing him Kim Jong-un has decided to completely reform the governmental structure of North Korea, leading to any former officers being sentenced to death. Many of the countries former senior members have been killed by firing squad, and there was even reports that Kim Jong-un killed his own uncle by allowing dogs to eat him alive. It's not surprising then that North Korea is now under scrutiny from many human rights groups, and at some point in the near future this man will probably have to answer for his crimes against humanity. Some groups say that this man is responsible for the death of 10,000 citizens through famine, purges, and in some cases even cannibalism.
This rise to power wasn't enough for Kim Jong-un and so he promoted himself to 'Chairman of National Defense', 'Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces', and 'Chairman of the Military Commission'. No wonder North Korea is falling apart as a country when everything is being run by this moron. He takes the idea of nationalism to the next level, and creates a completely isolated state that might be possible to maintain if it weren't for the fact that North Korea is still a developing country, and so the system cannot hope to sustain even a small population. This still doesn't excuse the madness that this man dictates upon the nation. Rumor has it that if you drop a picture of eternal leader Kim Il-sung then you and your whole family will be sent to a concentration camp for the remainder of your life. Absolutely mental. All this authoritarian crap and still nobody can take him seriously. Even the Americans laughed at his pathetic attempt to threaten them with nuclear warfare, and South Korea couldn't give a single shit about his frequent attacks. Staring at things that were impressive in the 1950's does not make you a powerful politician, and so it's no wonder that North Korea isn't anywhere in the world at the moment.
industrial revolution in the new century is, in essence, a scientific
and technological revolution, and breaking through the cutting edge is a
shortcut to the building of an economic giant."
#3 Bashar al-Assad (1965-Present) (Syria)
Just looking at the scale of devastation in Syria is enough to see what a mess this man has made. He's ruined his whole country with years of civil war that was only cause by his greed and stupidity. The clamping down and oppression of Muslim protestors is such a stupid move that even Western nations are supporting the rebel cause to end this man's reign. In the last few years he's been summoned to the UN to answer for war crimes, and has been scrutinised for the discovery of over 200,000 prisoners that were his opposition's supporters. The tyrannical grip this man has on his country has not surprisingly created chaos that has no chance of rebounding in the near future. Tough economic sanctions and a war economy mean that two thirds of the Syrian population now live below the poverty line and a total of 50% are unemployed.
But al-Assad doesn't just like to abuse his own citizens, and in fact regularly tortures tourists and foreign dignitaries, only to blame the army when he's confronted by these facts. In fact al-Assad doesn't take responsibility for any of these crimes, claiming he cannot control the army, which I highly doubt considering he's the head of fucking state. The man is such an evil bastard that he's famous throughout the world for having a torture mechanism named after his country. The 'Syrian Box' torture method has become a staple of modern psychopaths, and for a glimpse of what this sick fuck is all about then a read about this method is highly recommended. Despite being one fucked up dictator he was given a medal of service to Catholicism by the pope. Just unbelievable. The only service this man has achieved is ruining his country.
"I am president, I don't own the country so they are not my forces."
#2 Robert Mugabe (1924-Present) (Zimbabwe)
It's amazing that at the ripe old age of 91 this man is still a senseless asshole. He's the reminder that not every revolutionary can end up like Nelson Mandela, as some men are just destined to be the antichrist of their country. Like Mandela, Mugabe began his career by rebelling against the white minorities rule of his native Zimbabwe, and just like Mandela he too became a political prisoner for a sentence of over ten years, before becoming leader of Zimbabwe in 1987, making his story an inspiring one up until that point. He even beat Mandela to becoming leader of his country. It's at this stage that Mugabe and Mandela separate in terms of their viewpoints, as Mandela was an advocate of equality, where as Mugabe just wanted power for himself. Mugabe's first policy was to create a one party system, which isn't really democracy at all. This obviously didn't go down well with many people and so he got some North Koreans to train a ruthless security force, that not surprisingly bought about a lot of suffering for the people of Zimbabwe. 20,000 citizens were ethnically cleansed during the 1980's, all of whom were opposing this man's rule.
Mugabe is most famously known for his hatred of the white minority. So much so that he's now started to seize their rightfully earned land so he can give it back to the black majority. Unfortunately this is not only unjust, and proof as to why egalitarianism doesn't work, but a dick move, as Mugabe gave all this land to his allies, and not the suffering black majority. As a result of these tyrannical policies the life expectancy has gone from 64 to 37 just in the time this man has been in power, making it one of the lowest in the world. His views on homosexuality aren't very nice either, and he's previously referred to them as worse than dogs and pigs. Mugabe himself even embraces his comparisons with Adolf Hitler, and that's never a good sign for a man who runs a country. Although at least Hitler could run a country successfully. Unlike Hitler's brilliant economic policy, Mugabe has completely destroyed his economy. It was once a prosperous and growing system, but now thanks to Mugabe the rate of inflation has risen to 89,700,000,000,000,000,000,000%. That's so high that the Bank of Zimbabwe now has to issue a 100 trillion dollar note. People would like to vote him out, but as with the 2013 election he refused to leave office, and only when his opponent mysteriously withdrew did he retake control of the government, making him not only a horrendous leader, but also a massive scumbag.
"Let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for."
#1 Pol Pot (1925-1998) (Cambodia)
There could only be one politician to take the number one spot, and that's because he's the perfect advertisement as to why politics doesn't work with imbeciles like this man. This idiot is responsible for destroying the whole nation of Cambodia thanks to his petty insistence that the only way forward was through agrarian socialism, which might have been an acceptable policy in 2000BC. Under Pot's regime he forced urban dwellers into the countryside where they would work on government farms and in labor camps. He told the people this was due to the risk of American bombers destroying their homes, and that they would return in a few days. Ha, bullshit. Here's a tip: If you have to lie to your own people to accomplish one of your policies then it suggest that you know it's going to be a shitty idea. And not surprisingly the urban population had no fucking clue how to work a farm and so they subsequently perished of famine or diseases. I think even I could have worked that one out. It's just the insane assumption that the urban population only lived in the city to purposely annoy Pot. The result of this lunacy was the extermination of a whole class, and so surprise, surprise, Cambodia now has no economy.
It somehow gets worse. Those who had brains and refused to relocate were forced to dig their own graves where they were then buried alive with thousands of others. This rate of murder was so atrocious that it's estimated that Pot killed a quarter of all people in his own country. That's a rate that rivals countries after they've participated in a world war, not through political stupidity. Three million casualties in just four years is shocking when you consider that this vile man would have killed the entire population in twelve years if that horrifying rate continued. Society also crumbled in this short period. You couldn't be part of a religion, you weren't aloud to live with a disability, and even if you were normal then you could still get occasional visits from the government to torture you for information. What the fuck happened to this man? Thankfully it all ended in 1979 when he was defeated by Vietnam in a war that he started. It's hard to imagine if this lunatic did have an army, as the toughest men would probably be made to make curtains in whatever fucked up world Pot wanted everyone to live in. It's astonishing that Pot didn't participate in these policies. Can't imagine why.
"We will burn the old grass and the new will grow."
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