Sunday, 6 March 2016

Morons of the Internet: The Tab

This is the segment where I scour my favorite forums around the internet and find some particularly interesting articles about current affairs told in the words of my favorite human beings.

In this edition we have one of those male feminists who thinks judging other good minded feminists is the route to gender equality. I bet you never thought you would see me writing an article defending feminists, but I can sure you the main aim of this article is to defend pornography.

Wow, what a solid introduction to the argument from our resident expert in sleaze. For some reason he thinks he's an expert on pornographic themes and tropes; which is a bit creepy when you've considered he's gone to all the effort of analysing the individual roles of porn stars. According to him all the signs point to a male dominated art form, and of course when you jump to conclusions like that the only result is to instantly screams sexism when you disapprove of something. We never get any solid evidence as to why you shouldn't watch pornography, just some vague observations from a singular source. My main issue with this argument is that the author evidently forgets that porn is a fictitious work. He doesn't seem to understand that I can have an ideology in real life despite also having viewing habits of fictional material. I love 'The Godfather' as a film, yet I would never agree with someone being murdered in cold blood. It's the same principle with this pornography argument. You have no evidence apart from your personal feelings to suggest that the business in question is sexist, with your only point being that the content you've seen is largely derogatory towards women.

Fine, I accept your point as a serious one, but tell me this: If the pornographic industry really is this bad towards women then why is there not a shortage of female porn stars? Maybe you should actually get the picture from the perspective of a porn star rather than just your own uninformed opinion, and then maybe that might change your outlook. Also I find your point about just female performers being objectified strange. Are you honestly telling me that the male porn stars are held in high regard by the material? If you were to believe this author you would think male porn stars were effectively celebrated. Speaking of male performers, if your hypothesis of having one active and one passive role is true for all pornography then surely this argument would also apply to gay porn as well. In that scenario who's the one being mistreated? Either you have to admit that men experience sexism in the porn industry or you have to cede that the attitudes towards gender are not inherently sexist. Either way your allegations of sexism are made redundant.

Careful with your language here mate; does porn 'only' cater for men? You disprove that point in the very next paragraph when referring to the singular female based category. So in actual fact porn does cater for women, with the reason that there is significantly less content aimed at the female demographic is because significantly more men watch pornography. Only 24% of the total 'Pornhub' viewers are female, so why should they be equally catered for? What I can't work out with your nonsensical logic is if these pornography watching women could be called 'feminists'? How could they try and promote their gender rights when they watch something as inherently sexist as porn? 

This argument is ignoring the basic principles of supply and demand economics. In reality the viewing habits of people who watch porn has nothing to do with sexism, and you have no evidence to prove that it does in any way. The only conclusion you lead to here is the quite comical admission that feminism has done fuck all to desexualise the breast. I just love the use of the word 'fighting'. I could be fighting a brick wall with my bare fists, but I'm never going to win am I. I also love how you just assume that all feminists will rally to this quite pathetic cause. Fuck their individual free will, if someone wants to identify themselves as a feminist then how dare they get sexually turned on by porn. The message here is that the author agrees women should be liberated as a gender, unless of course they view breasts and pornography sexually, as then they're just funding the patriarchy. Great logic.

Yeah how dare pornstars try and act like they're enjoying sex when that's what their payed to do. Surely they must know what this author does about the business. If I was them I too would take fictitious events literally and act like the sexual violence is real. Who honestly cares if this isn't realistic or reflects common beauty standards? I think you might be mistaking the common audience who watch porn, as they're ulterior motive isn't to be intellectually stimulated by a gripping narrative. What person would actually want to watch porn friendly for feminists, or whatever the hell ideology this imbecile has? Porn is a consumer product, and it appears the author hasn't grasped that fact. The actual content of porn has nothing to do with gender equality, and try as he might this author can't unfortunately prove that with his feelings. You could make the argument that the porn business itself is sexist by bringing up the fact that female performers are payed far more than their male counterparts, but I forgot that's not how the mind of this biased piece of shit works.

Is it any wonder why a growing number of people are being alienated by feminism when crap like this is spewed across the internet. This is another example of how these minority of feminists treat their followers like a cult. If feminism really is about the liberation of gender inequality then why shouldn't individuals be allowed to watch porn? Instead of actually providing a balanced argument looking into the world of porn this is just slander that caters to an individual's feelings. It's pretty fucking ignorant to then demand a change from the industry when you yourself have proven you have no idea on even the basics of the porn industry. Maybe instead of passing the blame you should look at your own actions, and by shunning the habits of others with terribly written articles you aren't going to be rallying many to the feminist cause.

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