Thursday, 23 February 2017

Morons of the Internet: Black Lives Matter Toronto

This is the segment where I scour my favourite forums around the internet and find some particularly interesting articles about current affairs told in the words of my favourite human beings.

In this edition we have some more bullshit from our favorite band of domestic terrorists and general thugs 'Black Lives Matter'. I bet you'll be shocked to hear that one of their leaders is being a racist asshole. Normally I wouldn't care, but this one decided to try and use scientific evidence to excuse racism, so let's examine her point of view.
Black lives may matter to this lunatic, but spelling apparently doesn't. I don't quite understand why 'humanness' is repetitively spelt wrong. If it's because the term contains the word 'man', then this woman has a sore misunderstanding of etymology, which really isn't a defiant action, and actually one that makes her points seem even more stupid than they already are. Anyway, the point of this lecture is to educate the public that white skin means you cannot possibly be human. We'll ignore the fact that black people can get albinism, and so therefore can't be humans, because really this point is a poor excuse to spew racist slander. It's well known in science that whales can also suffer from albinism, but even though the whale may look like a whale it can't possibly be because it has white skin. Simple science this guys. The solid scientific knowledge continues when we find out that all phenotypes exist within the black family, apart from white skin apparently, which this woman claims doesn't make you human despite very much being a common phenotype.

But that's not enough dreadful reasoning for this crazy lunatic, as she then claims that white skin is a deleterious mutation. This is an interesting point considering that white people are able to synthesise more vitamin D from the sun, and as a result don't get degenerative diseases like rickets in milder climates. The reason black people have retained melanin is to avoid getting skin cancer in arid climates, as melanin is very effective at absorbing light. In effect this 'deleterious mutation' happens to be selectively advantageous in sun baked Toronto, and therefore cannot possibly be a genetic defect. I also don't understand how just because a race has a higher concentration of enzymes inhibitors towards a particular molecule means that they are now subhuman. Somehow I don't imagine the biological species definition is going to be changed any time soon by this level of scientific incompetence. Humanness is determined by science, not your sociological nonsense.

Actually this isn't an exert from 'Mein Kampf', nor is it from 'War and Peace', as you might have been able to pick up from the quality of written communication. Amazingly it's the same woman as from before, which seems amazing considering her arguments were so well explained last time round. Scientific reasoning is referred to here, but unfortunately it's incredibly misunderstood. You see, linked to the reproductive system is actually melanin concentrating hormone, which as you can see is a hormone, and not a pigment like melanin. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this molecule is more abundant in people with darker skin. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that melanin causes strong bones, only that a lack of vitamin D from sunlight causes rickets, a degenerative bone disease. Just take a guess at what pigment causes this. You see melanin is a hugely diverse group of pigments, with lighter skinned individuals only being deficient in Eumelanin, and not neuromelanin concentrated in the nervous system, which debunks yet another one of her points. which unfortunately for you has no correlation between race. Melanin is present in the eyes and ears, and actually individuals that suffer from albinism are known to suffer from poor vision and deafness in a process still not fully understood by science. Again however, melanin does not appear to directly cause this deficiency, which is funny seeing as this woman seem to think it has miracle based properties. Hard to know who to trust isn't it? You could believe the ignorant bigot, or the educated professionals.

But then we get to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Apparently melanin captures light and stores it into memory. And to think this idiot has the audacity to source conventional science when she believes in this bullshit. Funnily enough I couldn't find any papers that found melanin to have the ability to memorise and store information as spiritual energy, nor for that matter any other pigment. Either this woman is talking complete shit or she deserve a Nobel Prize. I find this revelation most odd considering how a significant proportion of Africa isn't even literate, and their average IQ is significantly lower than light skin dominated countries. Unfortunately love your superior melanin levels still aren't high to produce a sensible argument that isn't full of shit. Amazingly it turns out this argument is just pseudo-scientific drivel masquerading as a serious debate.

Yes, the first homo sapiens were most probably individuals with a darker skin tone, however that doesn't equate to 'strength', especially when darker skin colours have been actively selected against in temperate climates. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that lighter skin colours are genetically weaker on a global scale, and simply stating 'first is better' is a ridiculous argument to make. By this logic teleost fish would be the strongest of all humans since they evolved well before the first homo sapiens walked the planet, and so their genetics would be the foundation of all humanity. The rest is just more generalised bullshit that clearly isn't true. If melanin was essential for an efficient performance from the body then it simply wouldn't make sense as to why it's still such an abundant phenotype in such a large population. This woman's racist spewing simply doesn't make any sense in the real world. Maybe her melanin levels aren't storing enough cosmic energy for her to understand this basic information.

I find it quite difficult to be lectured on allegedly factual scientific information from a person who not only uses the abbreviation of people in a formal argument, but also has the mental capacity of a fucking lemon. And anyway, in what world is this factual? Lighter skin is evolutionary advantageous in temperate climates, hence why white people evolved the adaptation of lighter skin in temperate climates; that's basic biology. That doesn't make any white individual any less of a person than any black person, they simply have different genes being favored in a different environment. If that's a defect then this woman clearly has no understanding of evolutionary biology. The last time I checked white supremacy doesn't have an influence on evolution. It's also plain bullshit to claim that white people can only produce themselves. Maybe try telling that to the numerous mixed race babies born every year. That evidence alone is proof that black people do not have the dominant genes to determine skin colour, otherwise lighter skin would not be a present phenotype in mixed race babies. That's just basic Mendelian genetics.

What I really don't understand about this rant is how it can be described as a plea for equality. Why the fuck would anyone support a movement that admits that they have the power to eliminate all other races? And being as this woman has tweeted that she would like to kill white people I'm fairly confident this tirade is actually support for systematic racism. Factual science doesn't matter to this moron. She's all but happy to include scientific evidence when it allegedly supports her argument, but she soon reverts back to the her bullshit sociological slander when it gives her an excuse to be a racist bitch; and even that doesn't make sense. If recovering from genocide makes you superhuman, then wouldn't Jews also be superhuman. Jews of course famous for being an exclusively black group of people. Although to be fair to Jews they've probably had to deal with racist ideologies almost identical to this one before.

This bitch is a hateful and disgusting racist, simple as that. One minute she claims to be part of the superior race then the next minute reverts back to being a victim of an allegedly inferior race. Imagine if this had been a white person talking about how inferior black people are? They would have been shunned across the media and labelled 'white supremacists'. Maybe we should be playing a game and replacing the term 'white people' with 'the Jews', and see how nicely it coincides with 'Mein Kampf'. Unfortunately it turns out eugenics is still rampant in the 21st century, the irony being it's now originating from those that have suffered from this ideology for centuries.

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