Thursday 8 January 2015

Morons of the Internet: Jessica Valenti (08/01/15)

This is the segment where I scour my favorite forums around the internet and find some particularly interesting articles about current affairs told in the words from some of my favorite human beings.

In this edition we have the return of much loved columnist Jessica Valenti who for some reason thinks her ideas are good for the world. This one is just absolutely mental.


Yes that is a good question Valenti, why don't we just pay men less? I've often linked the wage of a person to what sex they are, and so with that sound logic I think this is one of the greatest ideas in existence that in no way stinks of hypocrisy. The problem we obviously have here is that every single woman in the world is underpayed and every single man in the world is overpayed, and so I'm so happy that resident moron Jessica Valenti is here to help with this crucial issue by sharing her wisdom. Even if that wisdom has to be generalising a large issue on a global scale despite the many laws and regulations she would have to break for her solution to work. I mean just look at the indisputable evidence she presents for implementing this radical strategy.

This whole piece is built around the misconception that women are payed less for the same labor than men; at least that is what her manipulative tone is suggesting. This of course is complete bullshit. It has actually been illegal in the USA for unequal pay between genders since 1963, and similar laws also apply to many other countries. So it would be very much appreciated if Valenti didn't base her whole crackpot theory on a generalised statistic that doesn't take into account position of jobs and hours worked. This is probably the reason why this large business is about to become male dominated. You earn what you work for, and sitting there whinging isn't going to help that Valenti.

Now it's this early that Valenti starts talking absolute bollocks. She states that the UK has an equal pay act, which is correct, but then the use of the word 'even' suggests that the USA doesn't. This is complete bullshit and she even recognises the system later on in her own fucking work, proving that she has no idea what she's banging on about. All we get is the fact that she's the victim in this big, horrible world. She proves this with her down right ignorant attitude of "I don't fucking care if you like it". Not being pedantic but isn't that how the problem you're trying to stop occurred in the first place. It's like she's in some dystopian novel and they've just given her absolute power to relentlessly abuse. Two wrongs don't make a right, and surely if this solution was to defeat the idea of injustice then innocent men are being discriminated against because it brings the average down. But I forgot it doesn't work that way, because men are never the victims. Nobody likes the idea of discrimination on themselves, so why the hell is Valenti trying to aggravate that problem even further.

About that law you were ignoring earlier; well it seems the only person with any sense in this article has just called you out on it. Fatima Goss Graves might just be the only person with any sense here as she politely informs Valenti that she's a fucking lunatic and her ideas are just ridiculous. Now I would have thought that being told your theory is the world's most stupid idea by an expert would be the end of that argument, especially after highlighting some massive flaws with the plan. But Valenti doesn't get the obvious message and unfortunately carries on.

Here we are feminists, this is your own making. An influential figure in your philosophy is a women who would quite happily break the law only so she can be a bit of a bitch. What a role model. The law is obviously there to stop inequality ever happening and so surely going ahead and erasing it would be suicidal. But I guess that's the price you pay for living in the free world dear. Although a down side to that is Valenti is quite entitled to ramble on profusely about her idiotic opinions, namely how wages are a gender issue, and then acting on that complete generalisation. It's okay though as she's quite up for "privileging the marginalised", which if I'm not mistaken is exactly the problem we're trying to erase here, but yay for hypocrisy. In my funny little world I though privileging people and equality were the complete opposite, but then I guess that's because I'm not a complete moron. 

And then just to top it all off we finish with the most stupid paragraph of anything I've ever read. Apparently Valenti is not giving women "special treatment", when she quite clearly is as every single woman is getting an undeserved pay increase because she commanded it; you even said that yourself in the last sentence of the previous fucking paragraph. That would also apply to the not "punishing men" part, which is also complete bollocks as she's deducting every single man's wage because of an invalid statistic. And apparently this isn't a radical idea, when I believe if you look up the definition of 'radical' then you'll find out that your theories are indeed the very epitome of the word 'radical'. Just unbelievable. She has no idea what she's saying and can't even string a sentence together without talking absolute bullshit. 

The whole article is just a fucking joke. Valenti is clearly making this point as it only benefits her own self centered needs, and this is backed up with a fuck load of hypocrisy. It's like she's suggesting that being born a man is a choice, and when you become this man you instantly get showered with all the world's riches that have been unfairly stolen from the pockets of every single woman and not at all by working hard and getting better jobs. Your radical theories to subsidies this lunacy only prove how much of an idiot you really are. I'll finish by compromising with you Valenti. I'll argue for a bill that tries to tackle the homicide rate, which is greatly favored towards women. Because of this I have a new radical theory that suggest that all men murder various innocent women in order to bring the averages to an equal level. Yeah, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this Valenti.

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