Tuesday 13 June 2017

What It Means to Be Trans Species

Just when you thought the idea of fifteen million genders was stupid enough there are now those that have started to identify themselves in the animal kingdom as well. Vice interviewed these mentally ill people, and now I'm going to analyse their arguments.

Just to clarify you absolutely cannot be another species of animal born into a human body. Whilst it's true that many important genes are conserved throughout the animal kingdom the chances of another animal's genome mutating or replacing the section of DNA that codes for an individual's behaviour is just an impossibility. And bear in mind that behaviour is determined by far more than just raw genetic information, so the chances of these otherkin experiencing a medical condition are next to nothing. It's also very suspicious considering individuals who experience this still retain fundamental human behaviour and surprisingly don't carry across the very natural and common behaviours of murdering other individuals.

This story however gets even more ridiculous. I just assumed that these individuals would see themselves as primates, or at the very extreme wolves, not a fucking dragon. A dragon is a fictional creature that has never existed, and so it's absolutely impossible to become a mythical creature. Just because you had a dream where you felt like a dragon doesn't mean you are one. I had a dream where I was a slice of toast. Does that mean I should act on that dream and literally stick myself in the toaster? I stopped pretending I was a dinosaur when I was about seven. Maybe it's time for these morons to just grow up.

Why are these people trying to convince me this is a genuine condition by conveying nothing more than their feelings? Remember guys, if something any of these idiots believes is true then it must be universally accepted. I just love how this biological phenomenon found nowhere else in the natural world can be explained using just philosophy. My perception of reality may be flawed, but I know phony bullshit like you're pulling off is not genuine because it's not physically possible. And even if your perception of reality is flawed, how does that excuse your retarded behaviour?

But good old Eric knows what's up. Yeah, if you don't conform to his view of being mentally disabled then you can't be part of the group, although who would want to be part of this prestigious group is a bigger question. He believes that biological processes can be determined by his definitions, which is almost as dumb as pretending your a completely different species. Then he reaches peak levels of retardation. Yes, Eric has decided that it's determined by spirituality and neurological reasons. We'll ignore the spirituality bollocks and focus on the neurological reasoning, which may I add is not backed up with any evidence like say an actual medical condition would be. I have the feeling that Eric will be waiting a long time until scientists find this gene that codes for the neurological behaviour of a completely different species. Finding this gene is improbable enough, but now multiply that by the wealth of personalities that otherkin transform into with vastly different physiology and you stumble into the most fucked up corner of pseudoscience it's possible to venture into. Just the mere fact that this behaviour can be explained by spirituality and pseudoscience is enough to make me lose the will to live.

To top it all off they don't even get to have sex with their own kind, which I would have assumed would be a natural impulse and not something you can simply choose to ignore. I would say banning sexual reproduction is a crime against humanity, but if these mongs want to be treated like animals then fuck it, I don't give a shit. Maybe they should be having sex with their chosen species, as only then will they discover that actually reproduction doesn't happen because you're mating with an entirely different species. Hopefully at that point the penny would drop. Honestly this is a good plan, it's not as if they're going to lose any credibility by having sex with a sheep.

It's quite amusing that these idiots only follow certain elements of their chosen animal's behaviour, and even more interesting is that these chosen behaviors align perfectly with human behaviour. It's almost like they are still humans. Needless to say I'm not surprised in the slightest that mental health is an issue in the otherkin community. I just assumed these guys were all fucking normal. I'm sure all this goes straight over their heads when they discuss it online in their little echo chambers, but really the only advice they should be giving each other is to urgently see a medically trained psychiatrist, assuming these psychiatrists won't tell them to fuck off for making a mockery of their discipline.

I can't imagine why this community experiences bullying and harassment. I don't condone the harassment of any group, despite having a good go at it here, but can these deluded idiots honestly be surprised? Maybe I would have more sympathy if he actually had a diagnosed mental disorder that he was receiving treatment for, and not just some self diagnosed bullshit. This lot can claim it's not a choice all they want, but the overwhelming evidence suggests it is. Behaving liked an idiot is not an innate behaviour, and just because you feel it is doesn't change the truth. Rebranding what people used to call lycanthropy doesn't make this supposed struggle any more valid. It's a mental disorder full stop, and the less I hear about this shit the better.

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