Saturday 27 December 2014

Top 10 Best Songs of 2014

2014 was such a dull year in music that it made this list quite a difficult one to make. It was a year that ended up being dominated by the indies, in terms of quality anyway, which does lead to a few surprises. But first we have to get the mediocrity out the way. Here are those that just missed the list:

Sia - Chandelier: One of the most powerful songs of the year. That doesn't mean it wasn't over-performed to the point of her not being able to sing the title correctly though.
Lana Del Ray - Brooklyn Babe: The best of Lana, who's had a pretty good year. It's nowhere near the level of this list though.
Ariana Grande - Problem: Sort of infectious. In theory it shouldn't even be an honorable mention yet it's somehow managed to worm its way onto this list. Must be something good about it.
5 Seconds of Summer - She Looks So Perfect: What's this, a boy band that can actually play their instruments and have come up with a decent song worthy of some merit. I call bullshit. They still look like twats but it's at least progress.

#10 Rixton - Me and My Broken Heart

And now we move onto yet another boyband. No I'm being serious, a song from a boy band was one of the best of the year. Like '5 Seconds of Summer' these lads can actually play their musical instruments, put together a decent tune, and unlike '5SOS' don't look like insufferable dicks in the process. This hit took me completely by surprise, and I found myself enjoying the catchy hooks and the laid back style of just some ordinary blokes who like making music. It helps that the song is to the same tune as Rob Thomas' 2005 hit 'Lonely No More', which was a personal favorite as a child, and he even helped to write the song which may explain why I like it so much. That does mean I have to take off some points for originality, but if Rob Thomas himself helped in the production then I think it would be going too far to call it a rip off. After all he's still getting royalties from it, so what's the issue?

'Rixton' remind me of a young 'Maroon 5' when they weren't about selling out and actually produced some good music. The reward is a nostalgic yet modern tune that may feel artificial in places but never strays to far from that catchy hook that in my opinion makes the song what it is. The song finds the line between catchy and annoying, and although there is a fair amount of repetition it never seems to go overboard like some other boybands we know of. *Cough* 'One Direction'. 'Rixton' also have that charm that many boybands out there are lacking. They may be baby-faced, but at the heart of their work is a passion for music. A passion that transcends into genuine and respectable talent. I just don't see how people can't like this; it's well coordinated, it's well produced, and it never takes itself too seriously. It might not be a turning point in music, but does that matter when it sounds as solid as this? 

#9 Charli XCX - Boom Clap

This is one that I should hate in theory. It's a pop orientated track that only exists to please the lowest common denominator, and only became popular because of appearing as the theme to the film 'The Fault In Our Stars', which as a film is abysmal. But I find myself not really caring about all that once I've listened to this. It's not that I enjoy listening to it, and I wouldn't even say it was anything special. But in a year as dull as the one we've just been through it really stands out for only being okay. Unlike the majority of work this year there are no glaring flaws in this, and although I hate its undeserved fame I still think this song is actually quite decent. Although that might have something to do with me finding the singer rather attractive.

Maybe having upbringings in a terrible film has actually helped it. The crappy film may have made this sound amazing in comparison, and I would certainly prefer this to watching some vomit inducing crap that's about as heartwarming as the holocaust, which is coincidentally what the protagonists' mutual relationship is based around. Ignoring the film this song does all you could want from a pop hit in its short run time, and the hook integrates itself into everything this song does, which is fine by me as it's a decent hook. As a romantic pop song it does what it says on the tin aside from those annoying cliches, which is always a bonus, and also why I like it so much. It might just be the best pop song of the year, and overall it's a solid entry for just being a well constructed and thought through pop hit. 

#8 The Griswolds - 16 Years

Before you ask yes I did get this from the 'FIFA 15' soundtrack as it stood out like a sore thumb with the rather lame musical offerings EA accompanies their game with every year. The rather hit and miss collection means that otherwise decent work like this is elevated to a level it perhaps doesn't deserve. That's not to say it isn't a good song. It quite rightly gets a place on this list due to its great structure and standout chorus. A chorus that everything else comes from; which is a stroke of luck as it's absolutely brilliant. Perfectly constructed and executed for outstanding effects; it's certainly a chorus that cannot be ignored. The rest of the song builds up towards this momentous point and that serves its purpose when that sensational hook hits you.

In a a packed indie scene this really did do a great job of standing out from the crowd, especially after being produced by a completely unknown band. Although that may be set to change after a large exposure from one of the best selling video game franchises worldwide. In the huge indie genre this feel good and lively song took me by surprise and created an instant classic in my mind. It's far from perfect, but this great listen oozes charm and is guaranteed to be classic even after a first listen. I look forward to seeing this band around in the future, and hopefully they'll make an appearance on next years list.

#7 Real Estate - Talking Backwards

Carrying on our pleasant yet unknown band theme is this hidden gem set on the touching subject of long distance relationships. This real world struggle means the lyrics and themes expressed by 'Real Estate' are both relatable and meaningful. I think the song expertly captures this feeling with its distant and lonely feeling that seems right at home in the indie genre that this group have embraced. It's a slow, majestic song that manages to sound very good, if a little tame. The tame pacing can't really be faulted though as the songs theme demands a slow pace and that is matched by the calm atmosphere that this song perfectly capitulates to, never leaving its core focus of loneliness.

It's not something I would chose to listen to as my tastes are very different from this, but I do recognise this as one of the standout songs of the year. I never complain when a song hits both solid guitar work and excellent pacing. Couple that with the vocals and you have a very powerful, yet subtle song thanks to its wide array of accompanying riffs. And that riff is one of the best I've heard all year, and is a refreshing sign from a guitar based band. The attention to detail is what draws me into liking this song so much. It's a solid all round performance that deserves some serious credit, especially when you appreciate how well the lyrics and vocals are constructed. It's an all round good product from yet another upcoming indie band.

#6 Weird Al Yankovic - Tacky

No matter how bad the music industry is you can always rely on 'Weird Al' to make some good parodies. The ideas and talent this man possesses is just unbelievable. To churn out great album after  great album is an exceptional talent, especially considering that those albums are parodies of other work. In his latest efforts 'Weird Al' has picked the crap out of various monotonous songs in recent years, and this was my personal pick of the bunch. Taking the song 'Happy' from last year and giving it a desperately needed revival to create one of his best parodies. Here 'Weird Al' is at his best, taking observations from contemporary society and then taking the piss out of them. Everything here is instantly relatable. I too hate people that type in the font 'Comic Sans', and also the people that wear clothes that make them look like cocks. So yes I do enjoy the idea of a song that mocks them.

It may not be laugh out loud all the way through, but that doesn't stop it from being pretty damn entertaining. Unlike some of his songs this doesn't miss the mark and is a very intelligent and hilarious interpretation of modern life. It makes very clever satirical point about people and I absolutely love it for that. It's a tribute to 'Weird Al's' talents that he manages to produce a brilliant song out of something that wasn't anywhere near that level to begin with. This song is not serious in any way, and I absolutely love it for that.
#5 Judas Priest - Halls of Valhalla

Now we arrive at the serious candidates, and what better way to start than with a legendary metal band who decided to release yet another album to add to their already large collection. 'Redeemer of Souls' certainly tried to ramp up the standards of rock music this year, and although that didn't succeed it still produced some standout tunes such as this one. In a year such as this one 'Judas Priest' have created a modern day anthem for metalheads, and although I was never a fan of their transition to the metal genre, this is still one of the best metal songs I've heard in a long while. Their best work may have come from their hard rock routes, but this is a signature tune from a signature band.

Vocalist Rob Halford still proves that he belongs up there with the best of them after yet another stellar performance. He may have lost that iconic 'Painkiller' voice, but he still knows how to rock despite his age. His high end vocals may have deteriorated, and that's really prevalent in the alto sections of this song, but his mid range is still as solid as it always was. This coupled with an awesome intro, powerful lyrics, and a rapid pace make this an instant metal classic. The epic 90 second intro is characterized by some powerful riffs, some of which have been brutally crafted for maximum effect on this full blooded record, and this really creates an awesome atmosphere. It's a brave band that chooses to release this now. But thankfully that risk was taken by a legendary band and so it payed off big time, even if that doesn't mean big sales. 

#4 Foo Fighters - Something From Nothing

Thank you 'Foo Fighters', thank you for at least attempting to produce a serious rock album that although didn't blow me away was still better than anything else I'd heard all year from any other mainstream rock band. Without these boys the world of rock would be a pretty dull place, and although they might only be a temporary fix I really don't care if this is the standard of music they're producing. I'm not saying this is anything special, in fact it's rather standard for the 'Foo Fighters', but it's still expertly written and produced to an excellent standard. A standard that has meant it's been one of the best songs of the year. It carries such great momentum that I really admire the craftsmanship that went into producing it. Lead man Dave Grohl proves that he can pace a song to almost perfection and the buildup to the thunderous crescendo is a pleasure to listen to.

The growling vocals at the climax are signature 'Foo Fighters' and it hits all the right notes in my book. Grohl shows that he always has been the star talent of the band, and his exceptional gift can be seen laced throughout this song. This is a song that celebrates everything that's great about American stadium filling hits that have defined rock anthems in previous decades. Grohl might be the only man that can still do that today, and both me and his countless fans clamor for records like this. The whole style of this work reminds me a lot of Dio's 'Holy Diver', although this is a million times better.

#3 The War on Drugs - An Ocean Between The Waves

'The War on Drugs' are without a doubt the band of the year. Their extensive list of great material could quite easily have locked out the top ten, but I decided that might be a bit greedy. This song is one of their more depressing numbers, but that allows a meaningful and relatable topic to be fully dissected and inserted into what is an amazing song. The very significant topics covered are accompanied into the song masterfully in a songwriting style that puts this band up there with the best. The eight minute run time and marathon pace allow one epic song to be produced, but not to the point where it becomes boring and unnecessary. The only thing that will become apparent is the intense and dramatic atmosphere that is incomparable to any other band I've heard this year.

There may be some connections to various bands past and present but I find this song a breath of fresh air from a band with some serious talent. They prove this with some ridiculous baselines that sound like they come from some of the greats. It allows the band to control the song from the off, but never becoming too fanciful or over the top. It's a simplistic song that really drives home the perfect chemistry that this group have. Structurally it's the best song of the year by quite a distance. It may not be the most charismatic song of they year, but that allows them to keep to the genre and show us their raw talent. It's a song without gimmicks, and it's a fascinating listen, leaving you with an end product that will stun you.

#2 Rise Against - Zero Visibility

I just love 'Rise Against'. They're one of the few bands that can constantly keep producing good material. Although admittedly their latest album 'The Black Market' wasn't anything special, but it did have its high points that include the likes of this song. It's just a solid compilation of signature 'Rise Against', and for that I love it. Never going over the top it includes some big riffs and powerful vocals that come together to produce one killer hook. And of course in typical 'Rise Against' style it's centered around a very serious and important topic. It may be far from their creative best, and I wouldn't call it revolutionary, but it's a song that sums up what I love about the band. Okay it might sound similar to their previous work, and that has been the case with many of their albums in recent years, but I think this has enough individual character and merits to stand out from their stellar history.

What did surprise me was the vocal harmonies, which is not something that 'Rise Against' usually excel at. But they were a driving force throughout the song, and couple this with a brilliant display of guitar work and you have no complaints from me. I still don't think it's up there with their best work, but for a standard song it works as a great fast paced ride that instantly stood out for me. History may quickly forget this song, but I think it's a diamond in the rough that sadly for 'Rise Against' has no chance in comparison to what is undeniably song of the year.

#1 The War on Drugs - Red Eyes

Yes it's them again, and as soon as I heard the standout song from the band of the year it was instantly going to top of this list. I think there's a noticeable difference when you compare this to the rest of the songs on this list. It's in a different league thanks to some mesmerizing pacing and execution that leave it feeling like genuine quality from start to finish. It may not be full blooded rock, but don't think that's because it's artificial. No this song has a beautiful combination of guitar and vocals to not only produce a great sound, but also one of the most unique and memorable songs in the past decade. I'd like to think of it as one of those traveling songs; a song that will transport you to a care free world as you cruise down the highway, always knowing when to pick up the pace and revert back to that chilled out vibe.

Synth and classic rock are merged to perfection here, creating a feel good tune that will remind you of a time when music actually meant something; providing a platform where both indie rock and classic rock can intertwine. The vocals meld the song into something special, never forgetting the conventions of the genre thanks to the talents of a band with a talent that matches their chemistry. This song finds its home on what is undoubtedly album of the year, and proving to be the icing on the cake from a band that have owned 2014 with their unique and exceptional music. 

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