Sunday 10 April 2016

Morons of the Internet: The Tab (10/04/16)

This is the segment where I scour my favorite forums around the internet and find some particularly interesting articles about current affairs told in the words of my favorite human beings.

In this edition we have a self entitled asshole who believes that race should determine what hairstyle people are and aren't allowed to have. No this really isn't a piece of propaganda from the 18th century, but instead student journalism in the 21st century. Honestly this is just beyond belief.
As you may know from reading my blog I'm a libertarian at heart, and so the mere concept that somebody is actually advocating the censoring of haircuts solely due to race is something I find shocking, and in all honesty not something I would ever want to hear from 21st century Britain. The excuses for this outrageous and quite honestly idiotic claim come quick. For some reason the author thinks it's okay because they didn't intend to oppress any white people, and so by their logic makes this argument instantly okay. I guess when you look at things that way history becomes a lot less savage; I mean you could now argue that the British Empire didn't intend to oppress slaves so that of course absolves their actions doesn't it? No of course it doesn't, so the fact that you feel the need to write an article on the internet defending some idiotic girl in America depriving an innocent man the liberty of choosing what hairstyle to have is something I take issue with. Maybe you should ask the white person in question whether they 'intended' to oppress black people, because under your logic that's perfectly fine. But no, irrespective of the context you jump on the hate bandwagon and claim they're apparently 'appropriating' black culture.

In all honesty I just don't care about the history of dreadlocks. The internet is filled with examples of other cultures copying this black liberation statement, but of course you don't worry about the factual information because your feelings are far more important aren't they? Your point here about Bob Marley, who for the record has been incorrectly named in this article, as for all we know it could be Jacob Marley from the Charles Dickens novel, but I'm somehow not surprised at this basic error considering your moronic views. In any case if the point about Bob Marley popularising this hairstyle in the context of humanism is true then why the fuck are you here trying to dissuade white people from having that hairstyle when even by your own admission they aren't trying to be offensive? At least that did appear to be your explanation, but then reading the next paragraph you start saying how you have no fucking clue about the ins and outs of dreadlock wearing white people. How about we stop pre-judging the actions of a minority and then jumping to conclusions based on this self admitted ignorance on the issue? 

The points raised in that bottom paragraph are an absolute joke. You freely admit that you have no idea why white people wear dreadlocks, yet are all to keen to start blaming them for perpetuating white privilege irrespective of the context. This just proves that all you care about are your feelings, playing the victim card in an attempt to simply push your oppressive agenda in the name of equality. To put it simply you simply have no evidence to suggest that white people choosing to have dreadlocks is harming the dispersion of black culture in the UK, or even America considering that's where your examples are based. To say white privilege can be seen through hairstyles is such an idiotic and fallacious point to make, especially when you never expand on the point. Do white people honestly have a privilege when it comes to hair? In my funny little world I always thought black people could have their hair exactly as they wanted to as well, but I guess it's me with the privilege here. You could just as easily make the same tenuous point that hair in itself is supporting an oppressive culture where cancer patients are oppressed by a system that values people perpetuating hair privilege, which of course you would then say is harmful despite providing no evidence for that assumption.

Back again with this 'appropriation' bollocks. It's honestly like reading something a child would write after just learning a new word so they keep slinging it around without actually understanding the meaning; a lot like the arguments in this article I suppose. I just don't understand why you have to care about the origins of something in order to incorporate that said something into your everyday life. I don't care about the origins of rap or blues music, but does that mean I'm not allowed to listen to or attempt to emulate the works of previous generations because I have a different skin colour to the people that introduced this medium into pop culture? You claim this behaviour is incorrect and damaging but never explain why. If it really is so damaging then surely you must be able to write down how it effects you personally in your everyday struggles, because at the moment I'm calling 'bullshit' on all these claims of damages.

This paragraph, like the rest of the article, is just feelings over facts. All you can conjure up is that wearing dreadlocks somehow means you ignore global oppression of black people, which to say is jumping to conclusions would be understatement of the century. Your argument here is like saying that black people shouldn't drink vodka, own a car, watch television, read a book, or attend university, because they had no part in the appropriation of that undeniably 'white' creation. By appropriating these behaviors symbolic of white culture you're ignoring the discrimination of white people on a global scale, and therefore under your logic that should lead to further discrimination. And before you chime in that white people can't face discrimination let me remind you that racially equality goes both ways; something you haven't seemed to have grasped.

YOU believe in equality. Well why the fuck are you telling people what hairstyle they're allowed based on their race you fucking hypocrite? You then have the barefaced cheek to bring in a simply hypothetical argument that Bob Marley wouldn't agree to people copying his style, because apparently somehow you're able to talk to the dead. Yeah great evidence you fucking moron. But oh no it's the white people wearing dreadlocks being fallacious and not at all the author of this article littered with fallacies from start to finish.

So there you have it, certain hairstyles are now a privilege, with dreadlocks becoming a symbol of white oppression. And do you know how we're going to solve this racial inequality? That's right by restricting what hairstyles a certain race is allowed; in other words the very definition of 'racism'. The worst thing is that this author is in blatant dismissal of that, opting for some sort of hairstyle apartheid regime. Fucking pathetic.

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